Hyderabad: In an unfortunate incident, three children who went to play nearby a waterbody died after they fell and drowned in a trench in Shadnagar town in Telangana's Rangareddy district on Monday. The incident took place when the children, all aged below 10 years, had gone to play and fell into the trench while playing.
According to police, the trench was dug in a real estate venture for some construction work. The pit was filled with water due to recent rains. The children apparently entered the trench to catch fish and drowned. As they were not seen for a long time, other children began looking for them and after a frantic search found them drowned in the pit.
Also read: 5 boys drown in Yamuna river while immersing idol
The deceased children were identified as Akshit Goud, Fareed, and Farheen. Police rushed to the spot and shifted the bodies for autopsy. Shadnagar police registered a case and took up an investigation.