Hyderabad: Police have busted a prostitution racket in the old city of Hyderabad by arresting a Karnataka resident in the case, police said. The accused has been identified as Syed Hussain (35), a lorry driver from Rajeshwar village of Basavakalyan taluk in Karnataka's Bidar district. The accused was arrested on Monday by the Chandrayanagutta police on the complaint of a social worker.
It is said that the woman social worker came to know that the accused was running a prostitution racket from a rented room in the old city's Barkus Salalah area. The woman on Sunday visited the building posing as a prospective sex worker, but was rejected by the accused saying she was short even as he took her pictures to get a potential customer.
Also read: Teenage girl pushed into prostitution by own mother in Telangana
The social worker brought up the matter with Chandrayanagutta Inspector Prasad Varma who raided the spot and arrested the accused. Police have claimed to have received objectionable videos and pictures from the cell phone of the accused. It is estimated that the accused used to supply a large number of women and girls from the city to the prostitution centers operating in Karnataka's Bidar district.
Police said that accused Hussain did the job on the directions of one Gulam, who is a brothel operator from Kalaburigi. Hussain used his wife's sister in Barkus Salalah to take a rented room on the pretext of doing a job. But police said that he used to bring the women to the room, take pictures and videos of their body parts on his cell phone and send them to Gulam in Kalaburigi through WhatsApp.
Ghulam would later fix a price for the sex work, police said.