Chennai: The 'Bus Day' celebrations, a bizarre event in Tamil Nadu, where students climb over the state-run transport buses to mark the beginning of college after summer vacations, turned tragic after a bunch of students fell off the roof, here on Tuesday.
The students were seen climbing over the windows, raising slogans from the roof and dancing on top of the moving bus!
The incident occurred when sudden breaks were applied by the driver and a bunch of students sitting on the edge of the roof fell in front of the bus.
No major injuries were reported.
The shocking video depicts the ruckus it created on the roads of Chennai. The traffic was halted following the incident.
Despite repeated requests by the police and administration, the students, who also celebrate the end of their college days in this manner, have been creating a nuisance; risking their lives as well as others.
The Chennai Police have detained over 24 students in connection with the incident.
Earlier, the Madras High Court had banned the celebration, but it remains to be a common practice across Tamil Nadu.
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