Kota: BJP’s Lok Sabha MP and actor Ravi Kishan has said that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will certainly ensure justice to all concerned in Hathras incident, wherein a Dalit girl was allegedly tortured and murdered by the so-called upper caste people.
Interacting with media persons here, the MP said that the state government has already ordered a probe by an SIT and it has also asked for a CBI investigation into the matter. Also, prompt action is taken against the culprits, he said, adding that he knows how the Chief Minister works.
"I am an MP from Gorakhpur, I know how the Chief Minister works," he said, emphasizing that justice will be ensured for the family of the victim.
"He will get the perpetrators punished, No one, who may have been involved in the incident, would go scot-free," the Bhojpuri actor said.
The BJP MP was here to pay homage to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's father Shrikrishna Birla, who passed away last week.
Also Read: Visionless opposition indulging in propaganda: Yogi Adityanath