Jaipur : The seven accused in the killing of Kanhaiya Lal in Rajasthan's Udaipur will be produced in a designated NIA court in Jaipur on Tuesday. The court had earlier remanded the accused to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) custody until July 12, special public prosecutor TP Sharma said. Kanhaiya Lal, a tailor, was killed by cleaver-wielding men-- Riaz Akhtari and Ghouse Mohammad -- at his shop on June 28 in Udaipur's Dhan Mandi police station area over a controversial post on social media.
The accused had posted a grisly video of the crime online. Both Akhtari and main Mohammad were nabbed in Rajsamand hours after the crime. Two days later, on the night of June 30, Mohsin and Asif were arrested. They were allegedly involved in the conspiracy of the killing and had conducted a recce of Kanhaiya's shop. The NIA later arrested Mohammad Mohsin, Wasim Ali and Farhad Mohammad Sheikh on different dates. All of them were produced in court separately. The NIA had sought their remand till July 12 so that they could be produced in the court together. PTI
Also Read-Kanhaiya Lal's family seeks death penalty for his murderers