Jodhpur: Air Force Chiefs of India and France on Tuesday joined the ongoing Air Exercise Garuda VII at Jodhpur. While Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) V. R. Chaudhari flew a sortie in an IAF Rafale fighter, French Air and Space Force (FASF) Chief General Stéphane Mille flew in an IAF Su-30MKI fighter.
“Both [Chiefs] participated in the exercise as part of a combined training mission which was flown from Air Force Station Jodhpur,” the IAF said in a statement. “Ex Garuda VII is also the first occasion for the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas and the recently inducted Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) Prachand to participate in any international exercise,” it stated.
Also read: India and France carrying out mega air exercise in Jodhpur
Speaking to the media after the sortie, ACM Chaudhari said that the Air Exercise Garuda provides a unique opportunity for both Air Forces to learn and imbibe each other’s best practices during operations while also highlighting the growing interoperability between the two Air Forces. The bilateral air exercise has been ongoing since 2003.
The exercise, which is due to culminate on November 12, includes four Rafale fighters and one A-330 multi-role tanker transport aircraft from the French side. Apart from the LCA and LCH, the IAF contingent consists of Su-30 MKI, Rafale and Jaguar fighter aircrafts, as well as Mi-17 helicopters. The IAF contingent also includes combat-enabling assets like flight refuelling aircraft, early warning aircraft, and Garud Special Forces, the statement added.