Kutch: The personnel of Border Security Force (BSF) apprehended a Pakistani intruder from the Kutch border on Sunday after spotting suspicious activities. However, no suspicious item was found from him during the initial investigation and further grilling is on to collect more details about him.
The BSF troops sensed suspicious activities near the border fencing in Kutch in the wee hours of Sunday and searched the surrounding area in which a Pakistani national, identified as Khawar, a resident of Badin district in Sindh province of the neighbouring country was apprehended, the BSF said in a statement.
"Given the Republic Day (on Sunday), the BSF has launched special operations along the international border," it said.
The interrogation of the Pakistani national is on as other activities including drug smuggling from the maritime border of Kutch under the guise of fishing have already come to light. Then the Indian security agencies also remain constantly on their toes to thwart such nefarious activities which yields several arrests. The BSF has also increased intensive patrolling and vigil in this area.
The latest action comes nearly two weeks after the BSF similarly apprehended a Pakistani national while trying to enter India from an area north of Harami Nala along the international border in Kutch district.
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