Hoshiarpur: A 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her cousin here, police said on Friday. The alleged incident took place on the intervening night of May 30 and 31 when her parents had gone to her grandfather's house in Rajasthan, they said. The girl originally hails from Rajasthan and is presently residing here, according to police. While she was sleeping in the courtyard, her cousin called her to the roof of the house. After she went upstairs, he allegedly raped her, police said. A case of rape and under provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act has been registered at the Model Town police station. (PTI)
Teenager raped by cousin in Punjab's Hoshiarpur : Police
A 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her cousin here, police said on Friday. The alleged incident took place on the intervening night of May 30 and 31 when her parents had gone to her grandfather's house in Rajasthan, they said.
Hoshiarpur: A 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her cousin here, police said on Friday. The alleged incident took place on the intervening night of May 30 and 31 when her parents had gone to her grandfather's house in Rajasthan, they said. The girl originally hails from Rajasthan and is presently residing here, according to police. While she was sleeping in the courtyard, her cousin called her to the roof of the house. After she went upstairs, he allegedly raped her, police said. A case of rape and under provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act has been registered at the Model Town police station. (PTI)