Fazilka: In a tragic incident, three members of a family in Punjab's Jalalabad, located in the Fazilka district, died consecutively on Friday. As per information, Mangat Singh, a resident of Tarewala village in Jalalabad, passed away after being electrocuted while operating a pump in his house. Following this, Singh's mother died out of shock, which was followed by his daughter Lakhwinder Kaur, noted Singh's elder brother.
"Mangat was raising his family alone, and getting treatment for his mother. It is a great tragedy for the family since three people died at the same time. He has a son, who has recently passed class 12. He has also completed an ITI course. We request the government to help the boy with financial assistance and a job," he further said. Jalalabad MLA Jagdeep Kamboj Goldy met Singh's extended family and expressed his condolences over the incident.
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