Hyderabad: A man was critically injured after a fire broke out at Hussain Sagar in Telangana's capital during the 'Bharat Mata Maha Arti' at People's Plaza here program to mark the 76th Republic Day on Sunday, officials said. The incident took place when fireworks set up as part of the program exploded, causing two boats, belonging to the Tourism Department to catch fire. Several dignitaries, including Union Minister G Kishan Reddy and Governor Jishnu Dev Verma, attended the event.
According to officials, around 15 passengers were onboard the two boats, which were carrying a large display of fireworks. The incident unfolded when a rocket from the fireworks display caused sparks that landed on nearby firecrackers, which ignited. Within moments, the fire spread rapidly, engulfing both boats.
At least five crew members were on one of the boats at the time and they jumped into the water to escape the flames. One individual, identified as Ganapathi, who was handling the fireworks, sustained severe burns and was rushed to a private hospital with life-threatening injuries. Four others sustained minor burns and were treated at Gandhi Hospital.
Firefighters, along with the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), worked tirelessly for over two hours to control the flames. Both boats were completely destroyed in the fire. Officials said that the incident occurred shortly after Union Minister G Kishan Reddy and Governor Jishnu Dev Varma had left the venue. An investigation into the matter is underway, they added.
The event, organised by the Bharat Mata Foundation on the occasion of Republic Day, was also attended by BJP MPs Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, Eatala Rajendar, M Raghunandan Rao, renowned music director of 'RRR' fame M M Keeravani and others.
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