Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi and Congress candidate Sidhu Moosewala from Mansa seat have been booked for violating the model code of conduct. They were found campaigning in Mansa after the 6 pm electioneering deadline on Friday, the last day for campaigning, an FIR lodged against them said. The case was lodged on a complaint by Aam Aadmi Party candidate Vijay Singla from Mansa.
CM Channi on Friday had gone to Mansa to campaign for Moosewala. They have been booked under section 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of the IPC, the FIR revealed. The case has been registered at Mansa police station City-1.
Polling for 117 assembly seats is scheduled to be held on February 20 while counting of votes will take place on March 10.
Also Read: EC bars Raja Singh from campaigning for 72 hrs for threatening people in UP to vote for BJP