Mumbai (Maharashtra): Maharashtra government-appointed Justice Chandiwal commission, which is probing the allegations made by former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh against State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, imposed a cost of Rs 5,000 on Singh for non-compliance of summons for the recording of statement. The Commission had summoned him thrice but he had failed to appear in two hearings, while a third was attended by his lawyer. On March 30, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray had appointed retired High Court Judge, Justice K Chandiwal, to investigate the allegations made by Singh against Deshmukh.
The move had come after Deshmukh had written a letter to Thackeray, on March 25, to investigate the corrupt malpractices allegations levelled against him by Singh. Singh had written a letter to Thackeray alleging that Deshmukh had indulged in "malpractices" and asked suspended Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore every month.
Also read: Bombay HC grants interim relief to Parambir Singh, no arrest till 15th June