Gondia/ Bhandara: Gondia district in Maharashtra witnessed 71.27 per cent voting on Sunday in the gram panchayat polls, while the figure was 64.82 per cent for Bhandara, officials said. Incidentally, Naxalite-affected tehsils like Salekesa, Sadak Arjuni, Deori and Arjuni Morgaon in Gondia saw voting percentages between 76.95 and 81.14, an official said.
Also read: Congress wins Himachal with less than 1 percent votes hare margin; bags 15 more seats
In the hyper-sensitive Murkotdoh village in Salekasa tehsil, where people were casting votes after the gap of some eight years, the percentage reported was above 90, he said. While sarpanchs in five places and gram panchayat members were elected unopposed in 403 places, voting was for the remaining 345 gram panchayat seats, he said. Results will be declared on December 20.