Pune: A court in Pune in Maharashtra on Thursday sentenced nine members of an outfit called the 'Hindu Rashtra Sena' (HRS) to life imprisonment for the murder of one Prakash Gondhle over previous enmity. Gondhle was attacked with sharp weapons and killed in Hadapsar while he was on his way home late evening on July 8, 2013.
As per the prosecution, Gondhle had filed a case against some HRS members in June that year for allegedly setting the door of his house on fire. Sessions Judge K P Nandedkar sentenced Vicky Jadhav, Vaibhav Bhadle, Akshya Ingulkar, Shrikant Atole, Amol Shedge, Rahil Kaule, Vicky Patil, Suraj Phadake and Akash Shinde to life imprisonment for the murder of Gondhle.
The judge fined them Rs 20,000 each, with the family of the deceased getting Rs 1.5 lakh from the collected amount, Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said. Nineteen witnesses were examined in the case, Nikam said, adding complainant Rajendra Pingle and his son were also attacked to force them to not appear as witnesses. (PTI)