Mumbai: Two female ticket checkers working in the Central Railways have won accolades for their timely action, which saved the life of a teenage girl, who suffered a massive stroke on a train in Maharashtra on Sunday. Ticket Checkers Deepa Vaidya and Jain Marsila were checking their tickets on Central Railway's Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus on the Kalyan route when they noticed a 19-year-old girl's limbs shaking and she sweating profusely.
As Vaidya and Marsila went to her to enquire about her health she did not respond. At once, the two ticket checkers realised that the girl had suffered a stroke and she needed immediate medical attention. Vaidya and Marsila acted swiftly and without wasting time, the two employees sought the help of their colleagues.
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Soon, a wheel chair was brought on which the girl was taken to the emergency medical centre of the railways. Later, the railway staff shifted the girl to the nearby hospital for specialised treatment. Due to the timely intervention of the doctors at the hospital, the girl's life could be saved, thanks to the ticket checkers.
In the meantime, the railway ticket inspector informed the girls' family about the incident. After some time her relatives appeared at the place to enquire about her health, Deepa Vaidya said. Public Relations Officer of Central Railway AK Singh said, "Our railway employees constantly perform their duties and show promptness in such important and life-saving work. Be it railway police or ticket checkers, they behave with human sensitivity,” he lauded.