Indore (MP): The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has seized 7.1 kg of foreign-origin gold bars worth Rs 3.72 crore from a car near Indore in Madhya Pradesh. The gold was being secretly brought by smugglers, but in the meantime, the DRI got information about the whole matter and took action. Three persons have been arrested in connection with the smuggling case, a DRI official said on Wednesday.
"Acting on intelligence inputs, the DRI on August 30 intercepted a car with two occupants on the Mumbai-Agra national highway near Indore," the official said. While checking the vehicle, the DRI sleuths found eight bars of foreign-origin gold weighing 7.1 kg kept in a specially built cavity inside the vehicle, he said.
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The two car occupants were arrested. Based on the information provided by them, the DRI arrested one more syndicate member from Mumbai who allegedly supplied the gold bars to the duo, the official said. The car used for gold smuggling was also impounded and a case was registered against the three persons under provisions of the Customs Act-1962, he said.