Indore (Madhya Pradesh) : The family of Indian cricketer Avesh Khan celebrated India victory in a T20 Asia Cup match against Pakistan on Sunday. Speaking to ANI, Avesh's father Ashique Khan said, Today win is an important win. We are very happy. Avesh performance was also very good and he took an important wicket."
Prior to the match, the family sounded positive and rallied on high energy as Khan who was part of the playing XI in the match was seen crashing a wicket at the Dubai International stadium.
In a nail-biting encounter between the Men in Blue India and the neighbouring challengers Pakistan, India registered its maiden victory at their opening match in Dubai at the T20 Asia Cup on Sunday. The match seemed lagging at the beginning with KL Rahul, and Rohit Sharma making an early exit however the spines straightened with Ravindra Jadeja and Hardik Pandya taking India towards victory inch by inch.
The fiery and tight bowling spells by Hardik Pandya and Bhuvneshwar Kumar helped India bundle out arch-rival Pakistan for 147 in a blockbuster clash and register their maiden win. The victory for the Indian side only came after a neck-to-neck contest as the men in green Pakistan set a target of 147 as they bundled out.
Outlining the match details, the crucial partnership between Ravindra Jadeja and Hardik Pandya helped India defeat arch-rivals Pakistan in a thrilling clash by five wickets in the second match of the Asia Cup 2022 here at Dubai International Cricket Stadium on Sunday.
Brief score: Pakistan 147 (Mohammad Rizwan 43, Iftikhar Ahmed 28; Bhuvneshwar Kumar 4-26) vs India 148/5 (Ravindra Jadeja 35, Hardik Pandya 33*; Mohammad Nawaz 3-33). (ANI)