Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In an incident that sent shock waves in the Azad Nagar area, a 7-year-old girl, was abducted and brutally stabbed to death by a youth who lives in the same colony. The CCTV footage of this incident has come to the fore in which the girl can be seen playing outside when the accused named Saddam adducted her and took her to his home.
The girl was shouting for help from inside the house, local residents were seen banging on the door pleading with Saddam to release the girl. However, Saddam stabbed the girl repeatedly and she died on the spot. When the locals managed to break open the door, they saw the girl laying in a pool of blood. After which the residents caught Saddam and handed him over to the police.
Also read: J'khand: Pregnant minor tribal girl murdered, suspect hangs her to pass it off as suicide
Town Inspector Indresh Tripathi said that the 25-year-old accused, Saddam, has an old criminal record. He is said to be mentally challenged. After the incident, the residents staged a protest outside the police station demanding appropriate action in this incident. He said that the girl's mother died a few months ago and she was living with her father.