Thiruvananthapuram: In a gruesome incident that has come to light through a FB post, a group of men hanged a pregnant cat to death for entertainment after downing couple of shots.
On the basis of a complaint filed by Parvathy Mohan, Campaign coordinator for Federation for Indian Animal Protection organisation and Latha, Kerala secretary of People for Animals, police have registered an FIR for cruelty against animals.
The incident occurred on Sunday at a house in nearby Palkulangara and the house was apparently used by some people for consuming liquor and playing cards.
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The incident came to light after Parvathy Mohan narrated the incident on her Facebook Post. The animal rights activists have alleged that the club members had the other day after consuming liquor killed the cat, by hanging it, for fun.
Though police were informed, they had initially refused to register a case, as per the post. The post also wanted that those behind the crime should be brought to book.