Kochi: In a heart-rending incident, a nine-day-old infant suffering from serious heart ailment died on Sunday despite being flown in a chopper from Lakshadweep islands to the port city for better medical care.
The infant was brought to Cochin International Airport in a helicopter arranged by the Lakshadweep administration.
The child, however, died due to cardiac arrest while it was being transported in a special ambulance to a private hospital here, a hospital spokesman said.
The infant's death was confirmed by the doctors at the hospital.
The ailing new-born was airlifted from Lakshadweep under the supervision of a medical board.
The new-born was diagnosed with serious heart ailment soon after its birth nine days ago.
When its condition worsened, the doctors of the island hospital decided to bring it to Kochi to provide better treatment and the Lakshadweep administration made all arrangements for its travel. PTI
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