Chamarajanagar (Karnataka): The leaders of the Mangala village of Karnataka's Chamarajanagar have demanded that COVID test be made compulsory for those who went seeking work in Bangalore, Gundlupet and Mandya, and are returning to the village now in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
People who come back without testing will be punished with a fine of 10,000 rupees. All the community leaders of the village have issued a warning that a fine will be imposed on anyone who violates the order. In the meantime, they have issued a directive that no one should go to work in Tamil Nadu, Mandya, Bangalore and Gundlupete.
Also read: Nadda slams Kerala govt for inadequate COVID-19 quarantine facilities
As corona cases are more prevalent in the villages nowadays, a decision has been taken to shave and cut the hair of the people in these villages only. The villagers have restricted entry to strangers inside the village. Mass corona test has been made mandatory and people have been advised to practise self-restraint.