Chikkamagaluru (Karnataka): Two persons riding a bike were shot dead at Bidare village in Chikkamagaluru district on Monday morning. On receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot and immediately launched a probe into the murders. The police identified the deceased as Prakash (28) and Praveen (30), residents of Hallibailu village, and the police arrested the accused. A police officer of Balehonnur police station said that the accused was identified as Ramesh, a specially-abled person. The police booked the accused under relevant sections of the law and further investigation into the case was going on.
In a separate incident, a 19-year-old boy and his girlfriend were shot dead in the Meerut region of Uttar Pradesh, police said. The victims have been identified as Shakshi, 19, and Shubham, 19, residents of Pepla village in the area. The girl's relatives told police that at the time of the incident only lovers were present at the girl's home.
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The police said both suffered gunshot wounds. According to them, the boy was wounded in the temple and the girl was shot in the chest. Police said the girl's family was near the house and they rushed to their house when they heard gunshots. On entering the room, the family members said they found bloodstains on the sofa, bed, walls, table and that indicated that the girl had fought for her life while the boy was found dead. They rushed the girl to nearby Subarti Hospital in critical condition, but she later succumbed to injuries.