Bengaluru: A 32-year-old man Mubarak was arrested by Karnataka police for allegedly killing his wife for not cooking delicious food. The incident happened in Soladevanahalli area. The deceased woman, Shirin Banu (25) belonged to Tarabanahalli.
Sources said, Shirin was asked to prepare chicken fry. Angered at the food she prepared, Mubarak assaulted her and killed her. Sources also said the body was thrown into lake. Mubarak confessed that he murdered her, during interrogation by police.
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After the murder, Mubarak informed Shirin's parents that she left home, to avoid suspicion. As Shirin did not reach home even after eighteen days, her parents lodged complaint against Mubarak at Soladevanahalli police station.
Mubarak used to assault her on a daily basis, as per sources. The couple was living in Soladevanahalli since their wedding two years ago. Sources said the couple used to indulge in scuffles frequently.