Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday inaugurated the 22nd edition of Chitra Santhe, Bengaluru’s iconic annual art fair, and urged people to support the artists by buying their artwork. The CM also said that the fair reflects Karnataka's rich traditions and values.
Emphasising on the importance of supporting artists by purchasing their creations, Siddaramaiah said, "Every home should have a piece of art. By buying artworks, we not only enrich our lives but also empower the artists." He lauded the Chitrakala Parishath for its consistent efforts in promoting art and culture.
The fair is being organised by the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, featuring the theme of "The Girl Child". It has drawn over 1,500 artists from across the country, showcasing a diverse collection of artwork.
Out of 3,177 applications nationwide, 1,420 artworks were selected for display. The participants include senior citizens, differently-abled artists, hobbyists, professionals and art institutions.
This year’s theme, "The Girl Child," highlights the need for solidarity against abuse of women and girl child. The highlight of the fair is a 35-foot sculpture of a girl child’s face, crafted entirely from cardboard sheets. Prof. Nayanjyoti Barman, who led the project, said, "Over 200 students and staff collaborated to create this monumental piece, showcasing teamwork and sustainability."
"Chitra Santhe is a celebration of Karnataka’s rich culture and a platform to empower artists. This year’s theme, ‘The Girl Child,’ emphasises the fight against injustice and the importance of women empowerment. I urge everyone to support artists by purchasing their creations and take pride in this unique cultural event that unites people through art," Sasiddmaiah said.
He stressed on the role of Chitra Santhe in providing a platform to artists to display their talents and connect with patrons. "An event like this attracts lakhs of visitors on a single day and creates opportunities for artists to shine," he added.
The Vice President of Chitrakala Parishath, T. Prabhakar, mentioned that while discussions are on about alternative venues to accommodate the growing number of participants, the historical and emotional significance of the current location remains unmatched. The fair remains a vibrant celebration of art, fostering inclusivity, accessibility and a sense of community while promoting Karnataka’s cultural heritage.
Traffic restrictions:
To facilitate people from reaching the venue, Bengaluru traffic police have restricted vehicle movement on Kumara Krupa Road between Windsor Manor Junction and Shivananda Circle from 6 am to 9 pm on Sunday. The art fair spans across this stretch and Crescent Road, with exclusive stalls for elderly artists set up at the Seva Dal Grounds.