Mysore(Karnataka): In a first in the Siddaramaiah family, Smitha Rakesh, the wife of the late Rakesh Siddaramaiah, campaigned for her father-in-law in the villages of the Varuna Assembly constituency on Thursday. Earlier, his elder son Rakesh Siddaramaiah was looking after the constituencies of Varuna and Chamundeshwari on behalf of his father.
So far Siddaramaiah's wife and daughter-in-law were not involved in the election campaign. For the first time, Rakesh Siddaramaiah's wife Smita Rakesh, on behalf of her father-in-law, started campaigning in the villages of Varuna constituency and appealed to the voters to vote for the Congress. Meanwhile, Siddaramaiah, while addressing a public meeting after filing his nomination papers, declared that his grandson Dhawan Rakesh will enter politics.
Siddaramaiah had earlier said that he became the Chief Minister when he won from Varuna so there is no such thing as one constituency being lucky or the other unlucky. He has no faith in this. His hometown comes under the Varuna constituency. It is called Varuna constituency due to the presence of Varuna Hobli. Since this is his last election and he wants to fight his last election in his hometown.
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Meanwhile, V Somanna, BJP candidate of the Varuna Assembly constituency, started campaigning in every village and asking for votes. Somanna promised that if he wins, he will work for the uplift and development of the constituency. Smitha Rakesh said, "I request you all to support Siddaramaiah to win again. Your support is there every time and this time Congress should win with more votes."
However, Siddaramaiah said, "My grandson Dhawan Rakesh is the future leader of Varuna constituency, he is my successor. This is my last election. Dhawan will be in politics with my son Yatindra (Current MLA in Varuna). He will render service after completing his studies. People of Varuna and Chamundeshwari constituencies loved my son Rakesh. In the samy way, they should give their blessings to my grandson."