Udupi (Karnataka): The Kantara-like incident took place near Paduhitlu in the Udupi district of Karnataka. It is learnt a man dies similarly to what was shown in Rishab Shetty’s Kantara. In this movie, a king donates his land to the villagers as Daiva asked him to but generations later, his grandson comes to claim the land donated by the King and moved to the court, but later died in the court when he reached for a hearing of the case.
A similar real-life incident happened in Udupi. In Paduhitlu village of Padubidre taluk of Udupi district, a person, who had decided to approach the court with the case regarding 'Daiva Kola or Bhoota Kola', collapsed and breathed his last in front of the temple when pooja was being performed to the presiding deity.
Also read: Rishab Shetty seeks divine permission for Kantara sequel, here's what Panjurli Daiva suggested
'Nemotsava' was conducted once a year in the Jarandaya temple in the Paduhitlu village. The entire village participates in this event. There is a Jarandaya Temple Seva Samiti, which takes care of the temple. Earlier, it was Prakash Shetty, who was the chairman of this committee. Prakash later lost all authoritative power. Therefore, he decided to form a separate trust and appoints Jaya Pujari, as the chairman.
This newly formed panel claimed that the deity belongs to them. The dispute erupted after the Jarandaya Temple Committee decided to conduct 'Boota Kola' like every year and decided to conduct the programme on January 7. Prakash Shetty and the new panel warned the temple authorities of suing them for organising the Kola without their approval. Shockingly, Jaya Pujari, who brought the stay order on December 23, suddenly collapsed and died on December 24. He died in front of devotees while pooja was being performed.