Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Cubbon Park Police on Wednesday had issued a notice to activist Dinesh Kallahalli asking the latter to appear before the investigating officer for questioning on Thursday. He was also directed to provide information regarding the CD of ex-minister Ramesh Jarakiholi. However, Dinesh Kallahalli failed to appear before the investigating officer and instead wrote a letter to Cubbon Park Station's inspector Maruti explaining his absence.
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"After I gave complaint against Ramesh Jarkiholi about sexual harassment, I am getting life-threatening calls. I have already lodged a complaint with Ramanagara SP (superintendent of police) regarding security. I have also lodged a complaint at Kanakapura rural police station. I need security. I will attend the enquiry on May 9 only if there is proper police security," Dinesh Kallahalli mentioned in the letter.
Kallahalli had filed a complaint and also submitted a CD of ex-minister Ramesh Jarkiholi to the police. In the video, Jarakiholi could be allegedly seen with a woman in a compromising position.
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Kallahalli demanded an investigation into the alleged scandal involving Jarkiholi for abusing a woman and seeking sexual favours from her in return for a government job.
Later, Cubbon Park Police summoned Kallahalli hours after Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai reacted to the incident and ordered a detailed and transparent probe. Jarakiholi resigned as Karnataka's Water Resources Minister in the wake of trouble over the CD.