Bengaluru (Karnataka): A special team of the crime branch has been probing the instances of violence & vandalism at KG Halli, DJ Halli, and at the residence of the Congress MLA Akhanda Srinivas Murthy. CCB Police have submitted the primary chargesheet after probing the riot case.
The investigation of the DJ Halli and KG Halli riot case is taking place in two different parts. CCB police are probing the fire at Akhanda's house and NIA is investigating the incident wherein a police station was set on fire and derogatory post about the Muslim community on social media.
Plan to finish the political carrier of Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy:
Currently, the indictment list has been submitted by the CCB police regarding setting fire to the home of Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy. According to the sources, political vendetta has been mentioned in the report. According to the official sources, Sampath Raj may have conspired to finish Srinivasa Murthy in politics by instigating the riot in opposition of the derogatory post of Naveen on social media.
Sampath Raj was a ticket aspirant from Congress from the Pulikeshinagara constituency in the last election but failed to get the ticket. Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy created his own impression in the constituency during the election and got the ticket from the party. After the election, Sampath Raj allegedly waited for the time to take revenge against Akhanda and finish his political career. It is said that Sampath had provoked the people through his personal assistant Arun to instigate the riot, after the derogatory post, which was posted by accused Naveen.
NIA is tracking the link with terrorism:
After confirming the connection of terrorism to Bengaluru riots, the national investigation agency has stepped into the field to track any connection with terrorism. NIA has already examined the statements of 18 cops of Bengaluru who were involved in the riot probing. The agency has not submitted the chargesheet about the riot yet.
The Muslim community and SDPI leaders were outraged about the derogatory post of Naveen on Facebook. After noticing the anger of the Muslim community, the terrorist organization used the proper time for making the hassle. Former mayor Sampath also used the time to take revenge on Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy. The accused have already been booked under the UAPA act and are being investigated by the National Investigation Agency, officials said.
The Bengaluru police are going to arrest Sampath Raj and Jakeer Hussain in the case of Bengaluru riots, sources said.