Ranchi: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday reached Ranchi, visiting Chief Minister Hemant Soren at his residence. Both KCR and his daughter Kavita Rao were welcomed by Soren upon their arrival. At the CM's residence, he also met the families of two soldiers from Jharkhand, Kundakant Ojha and Ganesh Hansda, who were killed in action during the Indo-China conflict in Galwan Valley, handing over to them cheques of Rs 10 lakh each.
Rao, who is on his one-day Jharkhand tour, also denied any possible formations of either a front opposing both BJP and Congress. "I want to make it very clear, that we are not working on forming any type of front", he stated to the media. The Telangana CM stated that he had also met farmer leaders as well as other leaders in Delhi a few days back, noting however that it "would not be right to name it any front," effectively ruling out any third-front speculations.
At the same time, however, KCR asserted the need for a framework that will push India on the path towards development. "The development that was expected at this point, when we are celebrating 75 years of independence, is not there. A framework is required to push India towards development", he noted. KCR had earlier met Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray on February 20, followed by NCP chief Sharad Pawar and his daughter Supriya Sule.
The Telangana government had earlier extended support to Colonel Santosh Babu, who belonged to Telangana, who was martyred in the Galwan clashes. Rao then announced that the state government would extend help to 19 Army personnel who were martyred in the same clash. It is in this backdrop, to keep the promise, the CM is visiting Jharkhand to provide financial assistance to the kin of the two jawans who were martyred, the release said.
KCR will extend help to other jawans who were martyred at Galwan, as promised later after polls as there is a model code of conduct in some of the states.