Uri: Nine people were injured in Jammu Kashmir's Uri on Saturday in a road accident. As per primary inputs, a Maruti Pico vehicle met with an accident near Nand Singh bridge as the driver lost control, with the vehicle subsequently crashing into a drain. The injured were rushed to Sub Hospital in Uri. Five among the group are learned to have sustained serious injuries and were later shifted to District Hospital Baramulla.
J&K: Nine injured in Uri road accident after car falls in drain
Nine persons were injured, with five among them sustaining serious injuries, on Saturday after a car full of passengers crashed into a drain near Nand Singh Bridge in the area.
JK Nine injured in Uri road accident after car falls in drain
Uri: Nine people were injured in Jammu Kashmir's Uri on Saturday in a road accident. As per primary inputs, a Maruti Pico vehicle met with an accident near Nand Singh bridge as the driver lost control, with the vehicle subsequently crashing into a drain. The injured were rushed to Sub Hospital in Uri. Five among the group are learned to have sustained serious injuries and were later shifted to District Hospital Baramulla.