Shimla: Among big leaders, Devendra Kumar alias DK, who sells tea at the Congress headquarters in Shimla, has applied for the Congress ticket for the forthcoming Assembly elections. This application of his remains the center of discussion in the media as well as in the political corridors.
DK said, "The Congress party gave an opportunity to every worker who has been serving the party for a long time to come forward for the election by making the application free of cost." He said that he had been continuously associated with the Congress party for the last 40 years and had been selling tea for 18 years. He said, "If the party gives me a chance, and if I became an MLA, then first of all I will solve the water problem of Shimla."
DK said that the Bharatiya Janata Party only made big claims, but the Congress party actually gave a chance to every common worker. DK grabbed everyone's attention by applying for the ticket. Significantly, big leaders from all over the state have applied for the ticket, but among these big leaders, Devendra Kumar alias DK has also become a topic of discussion.
Also read: Over 1300 centenarians to vote in upcoming Himachal Assembly elections
Chairman of the Congress Media Cell Naresh Chauhan said a total of 1347 applications have been received from across the state for 68 assembly constituencies of Himachal Pradesh. The maximum number of applications have come from Shimla Urban Assembly Constituency. 40 leaders have sought tickets from the city. In this, 677 people have applied online and 670 have applied offline.