Chandigarh: Amid the ongoing row over Baba Ramdev's statements against allopathy, Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij announced to provide one lakh Ayurveda-based Coronil kits to coronavirus patients in the state free of cost.
Vij informed in a tweet that half of the cost of the kits has been borne by Patanjali and the other half by the state government from the Covid Relief Fund.
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Each kit contains three items -- Coronil tablets, Swasari Vati and Anu Taila.
Thanking the Haryana government, Baba Ramdev said other states should also come forward to make the state free from coronavirus.
"Patanjali is committed to stand for a cause," he added.
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Last week a video went viral on social media in which Baba Ramdev is allegedly heard saying "allopathy ek aisi stupid aur diwaliya science hai' (Allopathy is a stupid science).
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