Gandhinagar: During the third phase of the lockdown, the e-Sankalp facility was launched by the Somnath Trust through a new digital service to connect devotees with the Somnath Mahadev deity in Gujarat's Gandhinagar.
During the lockdown, many devotees use mobile phones to worship Lord Somnath, which is why the trust launched an e-Sankalp digital service.
The service was inaugurated by Keshubhai Patel, Chairman of the Trust, from his residence at Gandhinagar. Mahapuja as well as Mahamrutyunjaya Jap was performed seeking the Lord’s blessings for corona warriors and liberating the world from the pandemic.
Somnath temple is closed during the lockdown. Devotees wanting to perform puja have been provided with the facility by the temple trust to perform pooja by means of WhatsApp and Google Duo applications.
For this, a specific time is fixed for e-Sankalp pooja to be conducted through video calling. The facility has been made possible by the temple’s IT team, PRO and general manager under the supervision and guidance of trust secretary P K Laheri.
Somnath Trust has appealed to the devotees to strictly follow the government’s rules regarding lockdown and remain at home.
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