Ahmedabad: The Gujarat anti-terrorist squad (ATS) arrested a youth on Saturday night from Uttar Pradesh's Budaun for allegedly sending a threatening mail to Prime Minister Narendra Modi a few days ago. The youth has been identified as Aman Saxena, a resident of Adarsh Nagar in Badaun. He sent the e mail threatening PM Modi when he was taking part in a rally in Jamnagar on Monday, said Gujarat ATS officials. The accused holds a B Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Also read: Death threat to PM Modi, email claims 20 kg RDX in stock
"The Gujarat ATS was entrusted with an investigation by the Home Ministry regarding the incident after which the ATS began to investigate and traced the sender of that e mail in Adarsh Nagar," said officials. Police went to Badaun and arrested Saxena using both technology and human monitoring. He was brought to the Budaun police station for further investigation.