New Delhi: Higher Education and Tribal Affairs Minister Temjen Imna Along on Sunday tweeted, reacting to a clip on Twitter in which a woman from the North-Eastern state alleged having faced racism while managing a stall at the Surajkund Mela in Haryana's Faridabad. The video, which has so far raked up more than 2,400 likes, sees a reporter asking the employee about her experience, to which she recalls being asked uncomfortable questions.
"I initially felt very happy, as this is the first such experience for me. But, I have faced certain very strange questions - "Do you eat dogs or snakes?" - what is this? If you ask me about the stall, about my state, of course, I am going to explain it to you. But asking whether we have access to wheat, dal, and roti back home - what kind of a question is this?", the stall-keeper is seen firing away. "I feel like going back now. I was hurt. We are also a part of India. Just because we are from a faraway state, does not mean we are uncivilised" she says.
Also read: I was crying, felt very scared: Indian-origin woman attacked for not wearing mask tells court
Meanwhile, reacting to the video, Imna Along, who is known for his humorous takes and witty captions, likened the remark to being compared to Bear Grylls, survival expert and host of 'Man vs Wild'. "Some people have started considering us as relatives of "Bear Grylls". They are not right. If you want to ask, ask Google. If you don't get it, then ask me," the Higher Education and Tribal Affairs Minister, said.
Reacting to the tweet, netizens applauded his response, while several others showered their love and support for the woman. "Toxic discrimination! Go where you want, do what you want, and dress how you want. It's your country." said one user. "So sorry to hear about it! People must realise and understand the difficulties that have been faced by our Naga people in their day-to-day life, but should not discriminate like this," said another person.