New Delhi : A man was allegedly hit by a minibus and dragged on its bonnet for some distance in south Delhi's Lajpat Nagar area, police said on Monday. Videos of the incident, which took place on Sunday night, went viral on social media. In one video, the man is seen on the bonnet of the moving vehicle and in another, he is seen getting down from it.
A PCR call was received around 11:30 pm on Sunday. The caller alleged that while going from the DND flyover towards Noida, the driver of a minibus hit him in Lajpat Nagar and dragged him on the bonnet of his vehicle for some distance. The caller was following the minibus and no one was injured in the incident, a senior police officer said.
When the caller was contacted later, he said he was in Uttar Pradesh and could not come to lodge a complaint. Efforts are being made to convince the man to come to Delhi and once he does, legal action will be taken accordingly, the officer said.
Earlier, in a freak accident in Greater Noida on , a college girl student met with an untimely death while seeking help for towing her car which broke down. The girl was fatally injured when her head accidentally bumped into the crane of the truck that was towing away her car, sources said.
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