New Delhi: Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta on Saturday requested the commissioner of police to exempt frontline COVID-19 workers from traffic challans issued to them during the lockdown period.
He said a Lok Adalat should be convened soon to dispose all traffic challans issued during the lockdown.
Doctors, nurses, journalists, government employees and those associated with essential and approved services, who worked on the front line to protect the people of Delhi from coronavirus, travelled extensively during the lockdown, Gupta said in a statement.
"These are our corona warriors and they may face financial problems due to heavy challans. Corona warriors could not also seek challan-related assistance as the Traffic Lok Adalat is still closed," he said.
Many routes in Delhi were restricted while some were open for one-way movement only. People unintentionally violated traffic rules for which huge challans have been issued, Gupta added. PTI
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