New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday extended the stay imposed by the Bombay High Court on the operation of its order granting bail to activist Gautam Navlakha in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case.
The National Investigation Agency's (NIA) plea will be presented before Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud by a bench of Justices M M Sundresh and S V N Bhatti, who will then determine whether to tag the petition with the cases of other accused.
The Supreme Court declared that it was hesitant to comment on the case's merits. On December 19 2023, the Bombay High Court granted Navlakha bail, but it postponed its decision for three weeks after the NIA requested more time to file an appeal in SC.
After being arrested in August of 2018, Navlakha was permitted by the Supreme Court to be placed under house arrest in November of the previous year. He is a resident of Navi Mumbai now.
WHAT WAS THE CASE? The complaint concerns alleged provocative remarks made on December 31, 2017, during the Elgar Parishad conclave in Pune. According to police, these remarks incited violence the following day in the vicinity of the Koregaon-Bhima war memorial, which is located on the outskirts of the city in western Maharashtra.
In this case, 16 activists have been detained; five of them are currently out on bail.
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