New Delhi: A seven-year-old girl received over 15 injuries after she was allegedly attacked by a neighbour's dog in Rohini's Sector-25 area, police said on Tuesday. The incident occurred on January 9 when an American Bully dog allegedly attacked the child when she was playing with her friends inside her housing society, they said. Several members of the society held a protest against dog menace in their area.
Speaking to PTI, the girl's father said she received multiple serious injuries on her hand, back, behind her ear, leg, and under her eyes. "On January 9, my seven-year-old daughter was playing with her friends around 5 pm. An American Bully pet dog of my neighbour suddenly attacked her," Shrikant Bhagat told PTI over the phone.
"I thank god that she fought back and started screaming, due to which we reached the spot on time and were able to save her life," Bhagat said. He said that her daughter is in trauma and has not been able to sleep for more than three days.
"As the dog owner is adamant, we have decided to register an FIR against him as his pet was not on a leash," Bhagat, who runs a coaching centre in Mukherjee Nagar, said. They have decided to take their daughter for a vacation to get over the traumatic experience, he added. Meanwhile, residents of the society where the victim lived took out a torch march in protest against dog menace in their area.
Protesters raised slogans such as "dog feeding band karo" (stop feeding stray dogs), "dog lovers saavdhaan, khatron me hai bachchon ki jaan" (dog lovers be aware, the lives of children are in danger). "We are not against dog feeding, or having pets. Pet lovers must understand that such pets can be dangerous for kids," a protester said.
Police have registered a case under sections 289 (negligent conduct with respect to animal), and 337 (whoever causes hurt to any person by doing any act so rashly or negligently as to endanger human life or the personal safety of others) of the IPC. "We have launched an investigation into the matter. Accused will be called to join the investigation," said a senior police officer.
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