New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday said that it carried out searches at several locations after it registered a case against Madhya Pradesh-based Narayan Niryat India Pvt Ltd and its directors Suresh Chandra Garg, Kailash Chand Garg and unknown public servants and others in a Rs 106 crore cheating case.
A CBI official here said that the agency sleuths carried out searches at the residence of the accused persons named in the FIR in Madhya Pradesh's Mandsaur and Indore.
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The CBI said that it registered a case against the Mandsaur-based company and others including its directors and unknown public servants or private persons on the allegations of cheating the consortium of UCO Bank, Corporation Bank, which has now been merged with Union Bank of India and Punjab National Bank during 2011-2013 through various activities such as diversion of funds, submission of false financial statements etc. and thereby caused a loss of Rs.106.56 crore to the said banks.