New Delhi: Rahul Singh alias Bhuru, a candidate from West Vinod Nagar Municipal Corporation, was killed after being shot multiple times. Unidentified miscreants shot him near Mayur Public School when he was out for a morning walk. He was also attacked eight months ago but survived the attack. The BJP leader himself was a thug.
Rahul Singh, a former BJP municipal candidate was shot five to six times by unknown miscreants in the Mandawali area of Delhi, around 8 am today. He later succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment. Rahul was described as a local bully.
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Like every day, he went for a walk early this morning. Some miscreants were already lying in wait in the park and as soon as Rahul came inside the park, the miscreants fired about 6 bullets at him and fled the scene. Singh was rushed to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. According to police, he was killed due to mutual resentment.
Meanwhile, police has seized footage of the CCTV camera installed in front of the park and launched an investigation.