New Delhi: A Special Court on Thursday ordered the framing of charges against Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) Chairperson Swati Maliwal in the illegal appointment case. At the same time, BJP MP Pravesh Sahib Singh has written a letter to Lieutenant Governor Vijay Saxena demanding strict action against Maliwal. In the letter, Singh demanded the removal of Maliwal from her post of DCW.
The letter said, "A special court on Thursday ordered the framing of charges against Delhi Commission of Women (DCW) chairperson Swati Maliwal and former commission members Promila Gupta, Sarika Chaudhary and Farheen Malick. In an alleged plot involving one another, the defendants appointed AAP workers to various DCW positions without following the proper procedures."
Also read: BJP takes dig at AAP over Swati Maliwal's 'illegal' appointments in DCW
The court has charged the suspects persons for offences U/s 120B of IPC r/w Sec. 13(1)(d)/13(2) of the POC Act, as well as for the substantive offence U/s 13(2) r/w Sec. 13(1)(2) of POC Act. Charges are framed accordingly, said Special Judge Dig Vinay Singh.