New Delhi: The CBI arrested an assistant commissioner in the Food and Supply department of the Delhi government red-handed on Thursday while he was allegedly receiving a bribe of Rs one lakh from a fair shop owner, officials said.
The agency also arrested a contractual employee of the department, who was allegedly working in collusion with Assistant Commissioner Jitender Singh Rathi, they said.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) carried out searches at the premises of the accused after arresting the duo, the officials said.
"It was alleged that the said public servant had demanded an amount of Rs 1.5 lakh as illegal gratification for revoking the suspension of the license of the complainant''s fair price shop.
"On receiving a complaint from the owner of the shop, the agency laid a trap and caught the accused, along with a contractual employee of the Food and Supply department, Delhi, while accepting a bribe of Rs one lakh from the complainant," CBI Spokesperson RK Gaur said.
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