New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday kickstarted his government's 10-week mass awareness campaign against dengue and chikungunya by inspecting his residence for stagnant water, which can spread such mosquito-borne diseases.
Under the "10 hafte, 10 baje 10 minute campaign" (10 weeks-10o'clock-10 minutes), the chief minister inspected his home for any possible sources of stagnant clean water, which can lead to the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes that spread vector-borne diseases, the Chief Minister Office (CMO) said.
Kejriwal appealed to all ministers, MLAs and the public to begin the mega-campaign from their own homes and spend 10 minutes every Sunday to make sure there is no stagnant water in their homes and surroundings.
The campaign will continue every Sunday till November 15.
After completing the check, the chief minister said: "My family and I inspected our home today to make sure there is no standing clean water in any part of the house. This is the best way to protect your family from dengue. I am happy to see people across Delhi participate in this campaign."
He added that mass awareness is extremely important for the prevention of dengue and chikungunya.
"Aedes mosquitoes cannot fly long distances and if can ensure that there are no breeding spots for these mosquitoes around us then we are safe from dengue," he said.
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