Raipur: A six-year-old boy drowned in a well near his house in Sahu Bada in Chattisgarh's Raipur district on Monday evening, the police said on Tuesday. The incident took place when the child had left home for tuition. According to the police, six-year-old Mayank Sahu, a resident of Sahu Bada under the Ganj police station area, had gone to tuition in the locality at around 4 pm on Monday. However, Mayank did not return to his house following which the family members searched for him in the surrounding areas. Unable to find him, the family members informed about the matter to the Ganj police station.
The police conducted a thorough search of the area and found the child's body in a well near his house. His body has been handed over to the family after the post-mortem. "The six-year-old child's body has been found inside a well close to his house. There is no security arrangement around the well and accidents can happen at any time," said Ganj police station in-charge Ashish Yadav.
Also read: Youth accidentally falls into well while talking on mobile, dies
Earlier this month, three kids drowned after they dived into a pond for fun that was dug by a cement company, the police said. Their bodies were fished out the following day. According to the police, an Ultratech Cement Company, which is operating near Gadchandur town in Korpana taluk, has dug large pits on the premises and now they are filled with rainwater.
On February 23, three children identified as Darshan Bacha Shankar, Paras Gourdeepe and Arjun Singh reached the pond and dived into it, as they were not able to anticipate the depth of the pond. All the deceased lived in the same area where the incident happened and they were all children of employees of the cement factory. Police found the bodies near a pond after hours of searching.