Raipur: Two persons were arrested from Chhattisgarh's Raipur on Sunday in relation to a CBI operation against those involved in the online circulation of child pornography. The accused, who are yet to be identified, are residents of the Saraswati Nagar area of the city, informed Raipur SSP Prashant Agarwal.
"The CBI team has arrested two persons from Kota under Saraswati Nagar police station area. According to primary information, they are accused of sharing, uploading, or downloading pornographic material related to children on the Internet. They haven't been identified yet," Agarwal further said.
The arrests came as a part of Operation Megh Chakra, a nationwide operation by the agency which saw raids being conducted in 59 places across 21 states. The duo in Raipur were located by tracing their IP address, police further noted.
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