Vaishali: A drunk youth posing as an IPS officer was arrested in Bihar's Vaishali on Monday, police said. The accused has been identified as Amar Kumar Singh, a resident of the Mahua police station area. As per Inspector Ganesh Chandra, the accused gave instructions to many officers of the excise department on the phone for the last 20 days posing as an IPS.
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The accused instructed the excise officials to arrest people involved in drinking, which is banned in Bihar. If the excise team did not reach the place mentioned by the fake IPS in time, he threatened to complain about it to the senior officials. The officials of the excise department were troubled by this young man for a long time.
A police official said that when they were fed up with the man's antics, they suspected foul play and traced his mobile number through the Cyber Police. The accused youth was later arrested in an inebriated condition by Utpat police. The accused has been sent to jail after the due judicial process.