Patna: Seven persons escaped from police custody after an appearance in a court in Bihar's Patna district on Tuesday, police said. The accused were involved in firing and physical assault in Narauli village under Sigori police station, and an FIR was registered in this connection on Sunday. According to the police, the accused persons surrendered before the Danapur district court on Tuesday and were sent to judicial custody.
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"When the accused were on the way to jail, they saw less security personnel in and around the prison van. They utilised the opportunity and escaped," an official of the Danapur police station, who did not want to be identified, said. Sources have said that the accused were expecting bail but it was not the case. "We have mounted surveillance on the family members and relatives of all accused to nab them. Besides, we also have an option of property attachment of the accused," the officer said.
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