New Delhi: Member of Rajya Sabha, Manoj Jha on Friday appealed all the attendees of Tablighi Jamaat congregation in Nalanda to voluntarily come out and go through COVID-19 testing in order to curb the spread of the virus.
"I urge people of Bihar to come forward, you have to understand a fact that you are not a criminal if you test positive for COVID-19. You will be put under quarantine and eventually, you will be treated to get cured. This is the time you can help others by just putting out the right information to the govt officials," RJD leader, Manoj Jha added.
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He also stated, the religious congregation that took place last month is absolutely unfortunate and officials are underway to trace the contacts. Further, Jha said, this matter shouldn't be politicised under any circumstances.
This comes after the Nalanda district administration informed that a total of 640 people took part in Tablighi Jamaat congregation on April 14 and 15 in Nalanda district.
In a letter to state disaster department, Nalanda DM, Yogendra Yadav has informed that a total of 640 people took part in Tablighi Jamaat congregation on April 14 and 15 in the district. The congregation was held in the Sheikhana Mosque of Bihar Sharif in the Nalanda district.