Vaishali (Bihar): In a horrific incident, two miscreants on Thursday set ablaze an 11-year-old girl after she refused to dance with them at a wedding held in Bihar's Vaishali district on Wednesday. During the wedding, some boys forcibly entered the girls' dance group to dance with them. They, however, refused to dance with the boys and chased them away. The 11-year-old girl was also present in the group. "While we were dancing at the wedding, some boys came and started dancing with us. We told them to leave but then they started quarreling with us," said the victim.
The following day, the victim and the other girls were stopped by the boys while they were returning from the wedding procession and threatened with dire consequences. The boys fled the spot after they raised an alarm. Later, when the victim came out of the house to use the washroom, two boys forcibly took her away from her house. They then sprinkled petrol and set her on fire.
Also read: Woman set on fire for resisting rape attempt in Jharkhand's Hazaribag
"When we were coming back from the wedding, the boys told us that they would not let us go. They left us after we shouted for help. Later, when I was going to use the bathroom, two boys came from behind and forcibly took me to a distant area. Then they poured petrol on me and ran away after setting me on fire," the victim said.
Hearing the screams of the victim, people gathered at the spot and somehow doused the fire. They rushed her to Hajipur Sadar Hospital in the district and is currently undergoing treatment. The police reached the hospital after receiving the information about the incident and started an investigation based on the statement of the victim.